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Thursday, January 28, 2010

Jobs On Cruise Ships Ways On How To Find A Job On Cruise Ships Your Chances of Landing a Cruise Ship Job

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Cruise Ship Job Opportunities

Jobs On Cruise Ships

One of the most enjoyable experiences in this world would be when you can see the beauty of the world while traveling and chilling out. This experience is often done through cruising; however, an average person cannot always afford cruising trips. Most of the time, we are too busy with our jobs that is why we cannot do vacations. By getting cruise ship jobs, not only you get paid well, but you also get to travel around the world!

Ways On How To Find A Job On Cruise Ships

Have you ever dreamt of working on a cruise ship? Surely, you'd say yes! At present, there are so many people who desire to have cruise jobs. It's an incredible opportunity to experience the world. You get to travel to every part of the world with the liner to stunning places, and at the same time you get to earn a handsome income.

Jobs on Cruise Ships - How to Get Yours!

If you are looking for a new, adventurous job or career, one that could possibly take you to Jamaica, Aruba, Cancun, and several other vacation spots for six months at a time, finding jobs on cruise ships might just be right up your alley.

Whether you just graduated high school, recently retired, or just need a change of scenery, you have several opportunities awaiting you on a cruise ship. So let's take a look, shall we...

How to Increase Your Chances of Landing a Cruise Ship Job 

There is only one requirement that will push you ahead of the majority that apply for a job with a cruise line, and that one thing is Confidence. We aren't talking about that "I'm too good for everyone" attitude, but instead, the confidence to work and enjoy the company of others whether it be co-workers or guests on the cruise itself. This quality in a person is essential to the final decision companies like Royal Caribbean and Carnival will make regarding your application.

You'll find that several jobs on a cruise ship are the same as our land jobs people are working everyday. Jobs like Retail Associates, Casino Managers/Dealers, Hair Stylists, Massage Therapists, Cooks, Housekeeping, Servers, Bartenders, Doctors/Nurses, Lifeguards, Dance Instructors, and the list goes on that you would probably be surprised how many jobs are available. What most people don't realize is that this doesn't have to be a full time job, it can be part-time or even seasonal, accommodating whatever your schedule allows.

The Biggest Mistake You Can Make When Applying for a Cruise Ship Job 

Of all the jobs you've ever applied for, this is one where you don't want to come across as boring when they are reading your application. Put some pizazz into what you have to offer, something that is going to tastefully grab their attention that other applicants won't be able to do. While 99% of the people will go with the flow, there will be that 1% that will present the "wow!" factor and those are the ones that get the jobs.

Once hired, you are in for a phenomenal time being able to visit each port of call you stop in, whether you're in the Caribbean, Alaska, or anywhere else the cruise line takes you. Probably one of the biggest benefits to working on the cruise is that you live on the ship rent free and meals are included. Meaning no utilities, no rent, no groceries, in fact, the only thing you pay for is what you spend on the islands.

The Benefits of a Cruise Ship Job 

This means you can save thousands upon thousands of dollars, unless it all goes to the islands. But many employees have spent six to nine months on the cruise and saved $10,000-$30,000, then came back to a land career either opening up a business or paying off bills and take another tour a couple months later. It's a great opportunity if you have the right personality.

By now, you are probably extremely excited to get a job with a cruise line, especially if you've read this far, so go for it! Get out there and try something new, a career that can change your life not only now, but also in the future. Oh yeah, and don't forget to take lots of pictures!

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