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Thursday, January 28, 2010

Haiti Earthquake: Signs of Desperation in Port-au-Prince

Haiti Earthquake: Signs of Desperation in Port-au-Prince
A help message written on a sheet is hung on a street in the capital of Haiti
Women walk by a sign scrawled on an alley in the Fort National neighbourhood of Port au Prince
An SOS message is scrawled on the floor at a food distribution point
A woman stands near a big sign calling for help, food and water
A banner with words seeking help scrawled by residents is placed in a destroyed neighbourhood of Port-au-Prince
People walk under banners reading "SOS" and "We need help"
A sign informing the US Marines that there are dead bodies inside a collapsed building
A woman walks in front of a chalked message
A small gathering of Haitians march through the streets of Leogane demanding help in the wake of the deadly January 12 earthquake
A boy holds up a placard in Leogane, one of the towns worst hit by the January 12 earthquake

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