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Thursday, January 28, 2010

automated ebooks shop allows you to sell ebooks with resell rights, master resell rights and private label rights.

Everything You Need to Know to Write, Publish, and Market Your Ebook

Own your free turnkey eBook store and make money online by reselling ebooks. This automated ebooks shop allows you to sell ebooks with resell rights, master resell rights and private label rights. Resale ebooks, resale software and resale products are included in your store web site.

If you want to discover step-by-step how to write, publish, and market your ebook, you've come to the right place!

There are many reasons to write an ebook, including selling it for a profit, as a creativity project, to share your knowledge with others, to increase traffic to your blog or web site, or to establish your expertise in a given area.

Today, one of the best businesses in the world is information publishing, and you can take advantage of this trend by publishing andebook.

Write Your Ebook - The Basic Formula

1. Brainstorm different topics you could write about based on your experience, interests, and knowledge. Keep in mind that you're looking to solve a problem for others.

2. Conduct market research to make sure that there's a market for your topic, and that the market is not overly saturated.

3. Once you've chosen a topic, write your ebook.

4. Publish your ebook.

5. Market your ebook to your target audience.

Writing Your Ebook - Some Initial Things to Consider

 How to Choose a Topic For Your Ebook 

Many people get stuck at this stage: they can't decide what their ebook should be about.

Charlie Byrne from Early To Rise explains that it's not really about selling information--these days people are bombarded with information all day long--, it's about selling advice, ideas, original concepts, analysis, expert guidance, how-to pieces to help people solve their problems, and opinions people can trust.

In general, people buy ebooks to:

  1. Make money.

  2. Save money.

  3. Save time.

  4. Learn how to do something with the least amount of effort.

  5. Attain fuller health (diet, exercise, and so on).

  6. To learn more about their hobbies.

  7. To have better relationships.

You're going to start out by generating a long list of possible topics to write about, as described in the module "Brainstorming Possible Topics For YourEbook".

Creative Commons License photo credit: KaiChanVong

Desperate Buyers Only 

Write an ebook that contains information that people are desperate for.

Another option for finding a great topic for your ebook is to brainstorm a list of problems that people are desperate to solve, which is the approach suggested by Alexis Dawes in her ebook "Desperate Buyers Only".

She argues that instead of selling basic how-to information-such as an ebook filled with scrapbooking tips or one on how to take a great picture with a digital camera-you should sell to desperate people. That is, people with pressing issues they need to solve right now; people with problems that are clear, bothersome (hemorrhoids), and maybe even embarrassing (excessive perspiration).

See the Top 3 Recommended Portable Ebook Readers...

See the Top Recommended Ebook ReadersIf you're looking for the best value on an Ebook reader, then follow the recommendations on this page...

An Ebook reader allows you to read your favorite books, magazines and newspapers in digital form...on the go! Its a portable device thats only as big as a softcover book, but it fits hundreds of titles. It replaces an entire bag full of books! Less weight, less space, more convenient.

Allow me to help you select the best portable ebook reader based on my research. I took features, price, and customer satisfaction as my main criteria to pick the top 3...check them out below:

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